Featured Fan Friday - Martin Karu
We're excited to feature this great collection from Martin Karu! Check out Martin's PEZ story:
How long have you been collecting PEZ?
Since the December of 2015.
What was your first PEZ dispenser?
If I remember correctly then I bought 2 dispensers- Santa Claus and Reindeer.
How many PEZ are part of your collection?
About 200 Dispensers, around 400 PEZ items.
What advice would you give to those looking to start collecting?
Ask yourself what is the reason you`d like to collect PEZ as it should come from the heart. As for me I have no clue why I started collecting PEZ, it was just a feeling, something different.
What is your favorite thing about PEZ?
First of all there is always something interesting and new to come. PEZ is known all over the world so you can find a lot of awesome products being abroad. You can find very old PEZ products from secondhand shops or friends of yours. Secondly the PEZ family is very friendly and helpful. Whenever you need some PEZ dispensers or information about them, you can be sure that there is someone who will help you. As you see, there is not just one thing, the list will go on.