Fun Facts:
Fun Fact #1
PEZ was first introduced in 1927 in Vienna, Austria as a breath mint for adults!
Fun Fact #2
The word PEZ was created using the first, middle and last letter in the German word for peppermint PfeffErminZ..
Fun Fact #3
What major league baseball team hosted the very first PEZ dispenser day at the ball park?
- Minnesota Twins
- Philadelphia Phillies
- Chicago Cubs
- New York Yankees
Fun Fact #4
The first PEZ dispensers were know as regulars and did not have character heads on them. They were marketed to adults as an alternative to smoking. Original dispensers have sold for more than $100 each!
Fun Fact #5
What is the best selling PEZ dispenser of all time?
- Peter PEZ
- Halloween Witch
- Santa Claus
- Easter Bunny
Fun Fact #6
When making a single piece of PEZ Candy it takes 3,000 pounds of pressure to compress the sugar into the familiar brick shape of a PEZ Candy!
Fun Fact #7
Do you know what liquorice, coffee, and chlorophyll all have in common? They were all once PEZ candy flavors!
Fun Fact #8
The first national gathering of PEZ collectors was held on Saturday June 15, 1991 in Mentor, Ohio. Since then collector conventions have popped up all over the United States!
Fun Fact #9
In 2022 PEZ celebrated 95 years as a brand and continues to introduce new character dispensers all the time!
Fun Fact #10
PEZ dispensers are sold in more than 80 countries worldwide!
Fun Fact #11
Which flavor has never been used in PEZ Candy in the United States?
- Peach
- Chocolate
- Raspberry
- Orange
Fun Fact #12
How many pieces of candy are in a regular size roll of candy?
- 8
- 12
- 10
- 14
Fun Fact #13
What is the term for the small tabs located on the bottom of the dispenser base to help it stand upright?
- Toes
- Stands
- Base Plates
- Feet
Fun Fact #14
What is the name of the part located on the back of the dispenser head that pushes a single piece of candy out when the head is tilted backwards?
- Tilter
- Lifter
- Kicker
- Poker
Fun Fact #15
Which historic figure has not graced the top of a PEZ dispenser?
- Albert Einstein
- Betsy Ross
- Daniel Boone
- Uncle Sam
Fun Fact #16
Jagoda (ja’goda) used in Eastern Europe and Erdbeer used in Germany are the words for what popular candy flavor?
- Strawberry
- Lemon
- Grape
- Orange
Fun Fact #17
Eduard Haas III first invented PEZ candy as an alternative to smoking in 1927!
Fun Fact #18
On June 30, 2016 the world record for the largest PEZ dispenser sculpture was achieved by the Aberdeen Centre Mall in Canada with the help of PEZ Candy Inc. The sculpture measured over 7 feet tall!
Fun Fact #19
There are currently 10 different flavors of PEZ candy available in the U.S. How many can you name?
Fun Fact #20
“Feet” is the common term used to refer to the small tabs on the dispenser base to help it stand upright. They were first added to U.S. dispensers in 1987.
Fun Fact #21
The first PEZ dispenser was invented by Oscar Uxa in 1948!
Fun Fact #22
Which PEZ dispenser was featured on an episode of the popular Seinfeld television show?
- Superman
- Tweety Bird
- Clown
- Rabbit
Fun Fact #23
Glow in the dark Pez dispensers were first sold in the United States in 2002. Can you name those characters?
The first glow in the dark PEZ Dispensers sold in the United States were: Halloween Glowing Ghosts – Happy Henry, Naughty Neil, Slimy Sid, and Polly Pumpkin.
Fun Fact #24
Which character has never graced the top of a PEZ dispenser?
- Orphan Annie
- Peppermint Patty
- Underdog
- Wile E Coyote
Fun Fact #25
In what 1980’s movie is the following quote from: “If I could only have one food to eat for the rest of my life? That’s easy, PEZ. Cherry flavor PEZ. No question about it.”
Fun Fact #26
In PEZ terms, a dispenser with only a cap and no character head is called what?
- A plain
- A flipper
- A regular
- There is no such PEZ
Fun Fact #27
What fast food restaurant chain featured their mascot as a PEZ dispenser and used the following phrase in their advertisements- “Somebody call the PEZ hall of fame and tell them I’m on my way”?
Fun Fact #28
In the 1970’s & 80’s, PEZ used a clown as their mascot. What was his name?
- Paul PEZ
- Giggle PEZ
- Smiley PEZ
- Peter PEZ