PEZ Featured Fan - Bastien Magnée

PEZ Featured Fan - Bastien Magnée

We're excited to feature this great collection from Bastien!

How long have you been collecting PEZ?

 For 11 years.. I couldn’t eat a lot of sweets because of my food allergies but PEZ.

What was your first PEZ dispenser? 

 A plush dog I got as a gift from Santa.

How many PEZ are part of your collection? 

+/- 1700 pez

What advice would you give to those looking to start collecting? 

I would advise to attend flea markets to find older assortments and get to know other collectors.

 What is your favorite thing about PEZ?  

I like those funny, little heads with my favorite cartoon characters on them.


Bastien Magnée
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