PEZ Featured Fan - Nawarat Wongsawang

PEZ Featured Fan - Nawarat Wongsawang

We're excited to feature this great collection from Nawarat Wongsawang! Check out Nawarat’s PEZ story:

How long have you been collecting PEZ?

7 years.

What was your first PEZ dispenser? 

Woody from Toy Story.

How many PEZ are part of your collection? 

More than 1,000.

What advice would you give to those looking to start collecting? 

PEZ are so cute and you will be happy all the time when you see PEZ.

What is your favorite thing about PEZ? 

When I see PEZ, I think of many characters of movies, cartoons that I like. I take PEZ to travel many places, many countries with me and enjoy to take photos of PEZ there.

If you want to be our next featured fan submit your collection at!


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