PEZ Featured Fan - Scott Karsner
We're excited to feature this great collection from Scott Karsner! Check out Scott's PEZ story:
How long have you been collecting PEZ?
Casually over 25 years, intensively about 10 years
What was your first PEZ dispenser?
Santa Claus in my Christmas stocking
How many PEZ are part of your collection?
3,000+ I've lost count!
What advice would you give to those looking to start collecting?
Collect PEZ that make you happy. There are a lot of great people in the hobby. Enjoy a convention or gathering!
What is your favorite thing about PEZ?
Getting to know other collectors and learning about the hobby from them is the best part!
If you want to be our next featured fan submit your collection at pez.com/featuredfan!